Fifth Ward Church of Christ Site

FWCOC Bible Institute – Bible History 1

The Fifth Ward Church of Christ Bible Institute Bible History 1. This quarter's curriculum delves into the profound tapestry of biblical history, offering a comprehensive exploration of the foundational narratives that shape our faith.
FWCOC Bible Institute - Bible History 1

History of The Bible

As participants engage with Bible History, they will discover the chronological unfolding of God’s plan and purpose through the ages. The lesson is meticulously crafted to provide a deep understanding of critical events, characters, and themes that have shaped the history of the Bible. From the world’s creation to establishing God’s covenant with His people, every lesson is a step toward unraveling the divine story.

Bible History

Bible History is an academic and spiritual pursuit. Participants will witness the unfolding drama of God’s interaction with humanity, gaining insights that resonate with their faith journeys. This course fosters a profound appreciation for the scriptures, allowing individuals to see the Bible as a living testament to God’s faithfulness and love.

Bible History Timeline

Engage in meaningful discussions, delve into thought-provoking reflections, and build connections with fellow learners as you navigate Bible History. Whether new to biblical studies or seeking a deeper understanding of the bible history timeline, this quarter promises to be a transformative experience that aligns with the rich teachings and values of the Fifth Ward Church of Christ. Join us on this illuminating expedition through the pages of the Bible, and let the history of God’s Word come alive in your heart and mind.

Ministry information

Thu February 1, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Bookings closed


Bookings are closed for this event.


  • FWCOC Bible Institute


  • Online
  • In Person

Child Care

  • Not Provided


Bro. Gary Smith


Bookings are closed for this event.

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